All the horses in the stable.
I was told the "stable" is someplace in Alpine. I recieved some information of dubious quality. I don't feel stable.
I have been looking for the dadgum stable my entire life. I haven't found it in 33 years, and I'll be very surprised if I find it today.
But look I shall... Still searching, still wandering, trying to get my foot in the door. I had allot of doubt I'd ever set foot in such a place. I'm no horse thief.
I just want a package deal... A house to call home, a wife that listens to me, and a car/driver. It's really all about the details, it's the little things, like not getting shot in the face, and having a good burger that make me giddy. I'm a complicated man, with very VERY simple needs.
I don't need a barn full. I just need one vehicle (my 04 F-150 is actually a great truck).
One tidbit of great information though...
1. I stopped in O'Reilly Auto and I'm very, very glad I did.
2. I didn't have a filter wrench, so while I could have chiseled a hole through and spun it off, I think I'm leaving the old one on, and check the oil for dirt and grime.
3. I plan on purchasing a couple rare earth magnets, one for the filter, and one for the oil pan. And while I know it may be a deadly sin of auto ownership to use an old filter, I'm very curious to see how that works out.
The oil filter orientation makes allot of sense, parallel to the ground to allow sediment to collect naturally through gravity, a very good idea, but also not very easy to change. Its at a awkward angle that makes a slip into a fan blade a very real concern. If I remember I will update my organic endeavors facebook with a picture of the dip stick and my current mileage.
Now where in the world are those rare ponies. Stable sounds good, really good.